With the IPKL caravan reaching Bengaluru, only one match was played on the first day in the state capital of Karnataka. The game was between Mumbai Che Raje and Haryana Heros in which the team from the Financial Capital of the country asserted dominance from the very first quarter to take the game away by a huge margin of 16 points. However, the game was a high-scoring one with both the teams coming on to the mat with aggressive intent of scoring more and more points in the match.
Although it was a game where Mumbai dominated overall, Haryana was the team with the lead at the end of the first and second quarters. Satnam Singh was the star raider for the North Indian side in the game but his 13 raid points were not enough to ensure a win for his team. Mumbai put up a strong show in the last 20 minutes of the match and collected 23 and 22 points respectively in the third and fourth quarters to win the battle in the end.
Mahesh Magdum was awarded the Player of the Match for his amazing exploits in the raiding department for the Mumbai team. Magdum scored 18 raid points in the game and was the difference between the two sides in the game. Suhas Vagare’s six tackle points earned him the Best Defender award in the match.
In a women’s game played earlier on Saturday, D Women Warriors defeated B Killer Queens by a margin of 47-38 points.
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