After some good kabaddi actions on the mat in Pune and Mysore, the Indo-International Premier Kabaddi League (IPKL) caravan has now reached Bengaluru. The last leg will kick-off from today at the Sri Kanteerava Stadium in Karnataka’s state capital and the final is scheduled to be played on June 4. Diler Delhi and Chennai Challengers are in a great position of making it to the semi-finals from Zone B.
Delhi skipper Sunil Jaipal is of the opinion that the performance of the team in the first leg mattered a lot for them and that is the reason why they are in a better position of making it to the semis now.
“We haven’t had the best result in the last two matches but due to strong performances earlier we are in a good position. We want to make sure we win our last league match before entering the semi-finals,” Jaipal was quoted as saying by the IPKL media team.
“The team has performed extremely well in the last three matches. We are highly optimistic that we can beat Bangalore Rhinos in our next match and make it to the semi-finals and then final,” said Sunil Kumar of Chennai Challengers.
Similarly, in the other group, Pune Pride and Bangalore Rhinos are the two top teams who are almost certain to make it to the semis. Pune had a great tournament when the matches were played at their home - Balewadi Stadium while Bangalore are at the second place on the table and will play their home matches from today.
“The team has performed extremely well in the league so far and our moral is particularly high after defeating Delhi in our last match, who is a topper of Zone B. We are hopeful to maintain our winning momentum when we play in the semi-finals,” Pune’s star raider Abdul Shaikh explained.
Speaking about his team’s performance, Bangalore skipper Vipin Malik said, “The team is really excited for the Bengaluru leg as we would be playing on our home turf and will have strong support from the local audience. Team’s moral is really high right now and we are positive that we can maintain the winning momentum we gained in the last three matches and get a fourth win in a row when we play against Chennai Challengers. If we keep our heads steady and make the most of our home advantage, we believe that winning the league won’t be a distant target.”
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