Amarjeeth Singh and Abdul Shaikh starred for the Pune side on Monday as they asserted complete dominance against Mumbai Che Raje in the Maharashtra derby. Pune had a 16-4 lead after the first 10 minutes of the game and at the end of the first half of the match in Mysore, Pune Pride were leading by 17 points. From then, the team from India’s financial capital had no chance to bounce back into the game and eventually Pune won by 49-26 points and continued at the top of the Zone A points table. Abdul was named Man of the Match for his eight raid points in the game.
The game between Haryana Heros and Telugu Bulls was filled with a lot of excitement as the Heros came from behind in the last 20 minutes of the match to snatch away the win from Bulls’ hands. Telugu Bulls had a 19-14 lead at the half-time but in the third quarter of the match, it was the Haryana-based club that started attacking and collected more points. Telugu had no answer in the last 10 minutes either and eventually lost the game 35-43. Despite the win, Haryana is still languishing at the bottom place on the points table in Zone A.
In the other match, Vishal’s amazing all-round show worked well for Bangalore Rhinos in the game against Diler Delhi. The Rhinos had a great start to the game and in spite of some challenge from the Delhi team towards the later stages of the matches, they maintained the lead throughout to eventually win the game by 48-45 points. Although the margin looked very small, the game was no way close as the team from Karnataka had the lead in all the quarters of the match with Delhi making some progress only in the last 20 minutes of the match. Vishal was awarded Player of the Match for his three raid and two tackle points which proved crucial in the Rhinos’ win.
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