This has come out after a scuffle between the two parties occurred late on Wednesday night, leaving Vinesh's brother injured. After this incident the wrestlers have become firm in their resolve, not to bow down with their demands of removal of Brij Bhushan Singh as the WFI president, and also his arrest.
"If this is how the wrestlers will be treated, what will we do with the medals? Rather we will live a normal life and return all the medals and awards to the Indian Government," Bajrang said.
"When police is pushing us, abusing us, misbehaving then they don't see that we are Padma Shri awardees, and not only me, there is Sakshi (Malik) also. "They are misbehaving with us. Women and daughters are sitting on the streets, begging for kindness but no one is bothered about getting justice."
"Take it (medals) all away. We have been humiliated so much. We are fighting for our respect but we are being crushed under their feet. Do all men have the right to abuse women," said Vinesh.
The tired wrestlers asked some pertinent questions too. Bajrang said, "I want to know why everything is being related to politics, sometimes Aam Aadmi party, Congress, sometimes BJP. The matter is related to women, but the nation is being misled by associating it with political parties."
"The Police is favouring Brij Bhushan. We are being abused after the FIR was lodged. Wrestlers are being divided on the basis of caste. I just want to request the government if you can rise above politics and give justice to protesting wrestlers then the entire country will be grateful to you."
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