As per a report in Zee News, Usha did not speak with the media on Wednesday but did assure the wrestlers of support and assistance. "We told her that we want justice. We don't have a fight with the government or opposition or anyone else. We are sitting here for the betterment of wrestling. If this issue is resolved and if the allegations (against WFI president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh) are proved then there should be legal action," Bajrang Punia said.
A few days earlier, Usha had slammed the wrestlers for protesting on the streets. She had said, "This amounts to gross indiscipline and tarnishing the image of the country. It sets a bad precedent." Condemning the statement, 2016 Rio Olympics medalist Sakshi Malik had said, "We are much better than people like PT Usha and Mary Kom. If former athletes such as them can't support us, it's a matter of shame. Such adversities give us strength. We don't want them to sit here with us. We just want them to be truthful and support us. We have already sacrificed our training and sport. But this cause is bigger than all."
| Indian Olympic Association president PT Usha leaves from Delhi's Jantar Mantar where wrestlers are protesting.
— ANI (@ANI)
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