Jaipur Pink Panthers were unbeaten in the ongoing seventh edition of the Pro Kabaddi League until Monday. However, their winning run was broken by Dabang Delhi and Jaipur have been displaced from the points table as well. Sandeep Dhull and Amit Hooda, the two players who had starred in the defence for Jaipur in the first few games, couldn’t perform as expected from them. Jaipur coach Srinivas Reddy also spoke about the same at the press conference after the game on Monday.
“Our defence didn’t work today. There was one particular raid where we conceded six points. The momentum of the game changed from there. Up until then it was close, but that raid opened up a big lead for them,” Reddy said.
Talking about the game, skipper Deepak Niwas Hooda said that as per him, the defenders didn’t disappoint but also stressed that there were still some mistakes committed by them. Deepak Hooda also said that the Super Raid by Chandran Ranjit, where the raider collected four points and Delhi also managed to inflict an all-out, gave the opponents a big lead.
“No, I don’t feel that they disappointed. It’s not easy to keep performing at a high level every match. But still they played pretty well today even though there were quite a few mistakes. The turning point was the Super Raid by Dabang Delhi K.C. because it gave them a big lead,” explained the Jaipur skipper.
“Yes, the six-point Super Raid was the turning point of the contest because they just had a three-point lead on us prior to that. They maybe had four players on the mat, but we couldn’t take advantage and they did, which is why we lost.”
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