Naveen Kumar and Chandran Ranjit starred in the raiding department for Dabang Delhi as they managed to get the better of Jaipur Pink Panthers in their last encounter. Although the game began close and it was an evenly-poised contest between the two teams who have done well this season so far, things turned in Delhi’s favour because of some sensational show by Naveen and Ranjit.
In the second half, Ranjit went for a raid and managed to send four Jaipur players off the mat including their skipper Deepak Niwas Hooda. Naveen ended up with 12 points while Ranjit scored 10 which include his two tackle points as well. Talking about the game, Delhi skipper Joginder Narwal heaped praise on the two at the post-match press conference on Monday.
“Look, the game was close at the start but Naveen and Ranjit’s super raids changed the course of match in our favour. If a raider can get you six points in a raid, then it’s really very beneficial to the team,” said Joginder.
As discussed earlier, Naveen had a great day on the mat and with that performance, he also completed his fourth Super 10 of the season. However, he talked more about the team’s performance and nothing about his individual brilliance.
“I am very happy that my team won. We played together as a team, the defence worked well, they supported us well. As long as they support us, the team will do well,” the raider said.
Joginder also talked about the performance of his corner partner Ravinder Pahal who also had a good day at the office at the right corner of the defence and collected three points and got out only once while attempting a tackle.
“See, I watched him play the first four matches, I’m not sure why but sometimes luck tends to abandon a sportsman. Sometimes the body doesn’t work, for example in the last two games his body wasn’t at a 100%. But the entire team had confidence in him and told him you have to stay on the mat for as long as possible today. So, he told us at the start that he won’t leave the mat tonight and that he’d be on the mat for 99% of the time. He did that and see how well our team performed,” the Delhi skipper explained.
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