India are all set to take on Australia in a four-match Test series starting from February 9. The first Test will be played in Nagpur and the Indian team will reply on their spinners to deliver with pitches expected to assist spin. Also, the spin department has been strengthened with Ravindra Jadeja set to appear in the game for the national squad according to a report published by Cricbuzz.
Jadeja last played for India in August last year in the Asia Cup played in Dubai. The all-rounder sustained a knee injury that required surgical treatment and he was away from the action for five months. The 34-year old returned to the fold in the Ranji Trophy last week for Saurashtra against Tamil Nadu. He also bagged a seven-fer in the match and looked in rhythm. Now, a fitness report has been issued by the National Cricket Academy which clears Jadeja to participate in the first game, as reported by Cricbuzz.
“All-rounder Ravindra Jadeja has been cleared to participate in the series-opening Nagpur Test against Australia by the National Cricket Academy. A fitness report on his readiness to participate was issued by the NCA on Wednesday (February 1), paving the way for him to join the rest of the squad in Nagpur, where the team will have a short camp in preparation for the Test and the series,” the report read.
The return of Ravindra Jadeja to the team is a boost for India’s chances but they will also miss Shreyas Iyer in the crucial game against Australia.
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