After Usman Khawaja failed to board a flight for Bengaluru on Wednesday due to a delay in the visa approval, he has been finally cleared to fly to India for the Test series starting next week. The paperwork for the visa came through overnight on Wednesday and so he was cleared to fly out on Thursday. Khawaja will now join the Australian team and it will also boost the morale of the team as he has been a prolific batter for the national side in the past 12 months. Khawaja confirmed the development with a post on his Instagram handle with the caption ‘India, meh arah hoon”.
The left-handed batter will join the team in Bengaluru where they are training at facilities in Alur till Monday. The team will then move to Nagpur for the opening fixture of the series next week. With the Test series expected to be full of spin-friendly tracks, the Australian team will look forward to getting acclimatized to the conditions in the subcontinent.
Khawaja previously toured India in 2013 and 2017 but he did not play in either of them. Notably, he had also suffered visa challenges while touring India for the 2011 T20 Champions League due to an admin quirk. The setback is only a minor one for the left-hander and he would looking forward to tackling the spinners successfully on Indian pitches.
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