The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has shared a few tribute videos on social media ahead of Virat Kohli’s 100th Test match appearance, which will be on March 4 against Sri Lanka at Mohali, in the first of the two-match Test series. Sachin Tendulkar, on his part, has shared a message through a video as well ahead of Kohli’s special milestone.
“Congratulations on your 100th Test appearance. What a terrific achievement! It has been fantastic watching you over the years. Numbers will always have their own story, but your real strength is that you have been able to motivate the next generation and this is your immense contribution to the Indian cricket,” said Tendulkar in the video posted by BCCI.
Further, in his message for Virat Kohli, Sachin Tendulkar also spoke about the time when he had first heard his name.
“Your team was playing the U-19 World Cup in Indonesia. There were certain players in the team discussing you that this is the one player to watch out for. Acchi batting kar leta hai,” Tendulkar added.
Recalling an anecdote from 2011 that motivated Kohli to take fitness seriously, Tendulkar said that Kohli has been a terrific role model for everyone for his fitness.
“I remember that we were in Canberra in Australia in 2011. There was a Thai restaurant there that would have some nice meals. An evening after a heavy meal, you said ‘Pajji bahut hogya, ab fitness par dhyan dena hai’. I have to say that you have left no stone unturned and have been a terrific role model as far as fitness is concerned. Cricketing numbers are a different thing and are for the world to see, but that particular evening I remember that you said that and achieved your goal,” Tendulkar concluded.
Here's the tribute video from Sachin Tendulkar to Virat Kohli:
The Master Blaster congratulates on his milestone.
Listen in to that special anecdote from 2011.
Kohli will be playing his 100th Test under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma, who will be leading India for the first time in red-ball cricket. Kohli has aggregated 7,962 runs in 99 Tests so far at an average of 50.39, with 27 hundreds to his name.
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