Veteran India fast bowler S. Sreesanth found no buyers in the IPL auction that was held last month in the city of Bengaluru. However, Sreesanth is giving it his all in the domestic circuit as he plays for his state team of Kerala. The 39-year-old fast bowler got emotional after he picked up his first wicket in nine years for his state team and celebrated in one of the most unique ways.
S. Sreesanth dismissed Meghalaya batsman Arya Bora during the game and celebrated by doing a full-stretched pranaam to the wicket as he got emotional after dismissing the batsman. The pacer bowled a short-pitched delivery to the batsman Aryan Bora who looked a bit surprised as the ball seemingly climbed on him and he was unable to control the shot. The ball got the edge of his bat as he got caught by the fielder giving Sreesanth his first wicket in a Ranji Trophy game after 9 years for his state team Kerala.
The fast-bowler finished with two wickets in the first innings of the game against Meghalaya. He was unable to get any in the second innings. It will be interesting to see how he performs in the remaining matches of the tournament.
Now that’s my 1st wicket after 9 long years..gods grace I was just over joyed and giving my Pranaam to the wicket ..❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
— Sreesanth (@sreesanth36)
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