BCCI on Tuesday announced India's 16-member T20I squad for the upcoming home series against New Zealand. Rohit Sharma has been named as India’s new T20I captain, while KL Rahul has been appointed as his deputy. The selection committee have also included several youngsters who displayed brilliant performances in the 14th edition of the IPL.
Avesh Khan, who was part of the Delhi Capitals squad in IPL 2021 earned a national call-up. The 24-year-old is one among the new faces in the team, alongside Harshal Patel and Venkatesh Iyer. The speedster had scalped 24 wickets from 16 matches in the 14th edition of the IPL. Overall, he has clinched 100 first-class wickets, from 27 matches.
Reflecting on his addition to the national squad, Avesh Khan stated that his dream to represent the country has been fulfilled now.
"Every cricketer has a dream that he plays for his country and he works hard to turn this dream into a reality. My dream has been fulfilled now," Avesh told PTI Bhasha
Avesh’s father Ashique Khan stated that his son’s determination helped him to achieve the long-awaited dream.
“My son first got associated with Indore Colts Cricket Club. Then Amay Khurasiya spotted his talent and took him to his own academy. After that he did not look back," Khan said.
Avesh Khan credited former cricketers Amay Khurasiya, Chandrakant Pandit, Devendra Bundela, and Abbas Ali for spotting his talent, and guiding him during his formative years.
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