The BCCI on Tuesday announced India's squad for the upcoming T20I home series against New Zealand. Rohit Sharma has been named as India's new captain in the shortest format, while KL Rahul has been selected as his deputy for the T20I series. Senior players, Virat Kohli, Ravindra Jadeja, Mohammad Shami, Jasprit Bumrah, and Hardik Pandya have been rested for the series.
Impressive IPL 2021 performers, Ruturaj Gaikwad, Venkatesh Iyer, Harshal Patel, and Avesh Khan also have been named in the 16-member squad, but Sanju Samson, who amassed 484 runs in the IPL 2021 at an impressive average of 40.33, was excluded from India's T20I squad. Overall in IPL, the wicket-keeper batsman has amassed 3068 runs from 121 matches at an average of 29.21, which include three centuries and 15 half-centuries.
Meanwhile, after being excluded from the squad, Samson dropped a tweet, indicating that if not contributing with the keeping gloves, he is more a handy outfielder. Samson shared an image on his Twitter handle, in which the Kerala-born batsman can be seen diving full-stretch near the boundary ropes.
— Sanju Samson (@IamSanjuSamson)
Samson has scored 4725 runs from 193 domestic T20 matches with an average of 28.29. He has also scored 2491 runs in 96 List A matches.
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