As per the protocol, all selected Pakistani players underwent tests for Coronavirus, with 10 players testing positive for it and since then have been placed under home-quarantine. However, that will not impact the series in any circumstances as all the negative players will depart to the United Kingdom on June 28. After arriving in the UK, the Pakistani contingent will start their mandatory 14-day quarantine in Worcester.
"The England & Wales Cricket Board can confirm that the Pakistan men's cricket team will arrive in the United Kingdom on Sunday 28 June to start preparation for this summer's tour of England, which includes three Test matches and three Vitality IT20s. The behind-closed-doors schedule for these fixtures will be announced in due course," ECB said via a press release on Friday (June 26), reported Cricbuzz.
"They will start a 14-day isolation period at Blackfinch New Road, Worcester before transferring to Derbyshire's The Incora County Ground on Monday 13 July to accelerate their preparation ahead of the first Test, which will include two four-day internal warm-up matches. All members of the tour party will have been tested prior to travel. Those who are testing positive for COVID-19 will not be permitted to travel with the advance group on Sunday."
Meanwhile, West Indies have already completed their quarantine period and on July 4, they will make a trip to Southampton from Old Trafford for the first Test match.
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