In July 2019, Rahul Dravid was appointed as the head of the National Cricket Academy in Bengaluru. Later that year, in October, another former captain Sourav Ganguly joined the office as the BCCI President. Whenever we talk of Dravid and Ganguly, we are reminded of their record-breaking 318-run partnership in the 1999 World Cup, against Sri Lanka in Taunton. But this time, former India cricketer VVS Laxman referred to the ongoing partnership between the two stalwarts of Indian cricket.
“It is great, the partnership between BCCI President, Sourav Ganguly and National Cricket Academy (NCA) head Rahul Dravid. If the Indian team wants to be successful in every format, then this partnership is of utmost importance. I think everyone is important, the team captain, NCA head and BCCI President,” Laxman said on the Cricket Connected Show on Star Sports.
Last year in December, Ganguly had visited NCA and held discussions with Dravid after reports of a rift between the latter and Jasprit Bumrah had started doing the rounds. Ganguly made sure that Dravid would be assigned with a bigger role to play in Indian cricket and announced that every India cricketer will have to go through the NCA to prove his fitness, making it a mandatory practice.
“There’s huge hope from Rahul. He’s been a tremendous player. You will get perfection and commitment. We will sort it out. We have given Dravid the charge at the NCA to get it more organised. Ultimately, we will extend his role. I’ve spoken to him and the office-bearers. You will get to know the details in a week’s time,” Ganguly had said last December.
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