On the back of a Chennai youngster allegedly taking his life owing to losing all his savings by investing it on Online Gambling, a petitioner has reportedly filed a petition against the Indian Cricket Team skipper Virat Kohli at the Madras High Court seeking the latter’s arrest. According to a report by Times Now, in the petition filed by a Chennai-based advocate, the petitioner requested the Madras High Court to ban online gambling apps to start off with and further alleged that these companies were using the influence of powerful personalities like Kohli to ‘brainwash’ the youngsters.
The petitioner, whose identity is unknown, demanded the arrest of the Indian skipper for having a hand in indirectly promoting online gambling which, according to him, is a curse for the youth. While there has been no official response from the Indian skipper on the issue, the report added that the hearing for the case will be held on Tuesday, August 4.
This is the second non-cricket related controversy Kohli has found himself in, in the span of three weeks, after Sanjeev Gupta, a former life member of the Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association (MPCA), filed a complaint against the Indian skipper for an alleged Conflict of Interest.
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