With Covid-19 cases spiralling out of control in India, the BCCI struck a deal earlier this month with the Emirates Cricket Board (ECB) to host the 13th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) in UAE. While the future of the IPL was initially hanging by a slender thread, tournament chairman Brijesh Patel confirmed post the cancellation of the World T20 that the T20 extravaganza will be held during the WT20 window in UAE.
Now with both BCCI and ECB one step away from finalizing hosting IPL in UAE - which is them awaiting the Indian government’s permission - the Emirates Cricket Board’s General Secretary Mubashshir Usmani has claimed that the board would, in fact, be looking at filling 30 to 50% of the stadiums with crowds, during the tournament. Usmani added that such a scenario could come to fruition if the UAE government gives its approval.
“We will definitely want our people to experience this prestigious event but it is totally the government's decision. For most events here, the number ranges from thirty to 50 percent capacity, we are looking at a similar number,” Usmani told PTI.
"We are hopeful of getting our government's approval on that.”
News of the 2020 Dubai Rugby Sevens event getting cancelled due to Covid-19 invoked panic amongst many, but Usmani played down any safety concerns and assured that the situation will completely be under control by the time the IPL beckons. The secretary of the ECB praised the UAE government for its role in bringing the Covid-19 cases in the country down. UAE, as of the moment, has 6,246 active Covid-19 cases to its name.
"The UAE government has been very efficient in bringing down the case numbers. We are almost living a normal life with certain rules and protocols to be followed.
"And with the IPL still some time way, we will be in an even better place than what it is right now."
Usmani also assured that there would be no trouble in organizing the mega-tournament and pointed to the UAE Board’s handling of the World T20 qualifiers in 2019 as an example for the same. The general secretary of the Emirates Board also admitted that the IPL taking place in the UAE will be a massive boost to the country’s economy.
"UAE is blessed with the support of private infrastructure. We are able to deliver such events and have delivered before. Last year, we hosted the T20 World Cup qualifier which had 14 teams.
"Last time also, it contributed significantly to the UAE economy. With the full tournament taking place this time, it will be a much bigger boost.”
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