Sourav Ganguly has received a final answer in the ‘conflict of interest’ saga that has been running rampant in the Indian cricketing circuit for the past couple of months. Having been a part of the Cricket Advisory Committee which was initially supposed to help the BCCI under CoA’s supervision choose the head coach and other such support staff, the legendary Indian captain was also working as a coach with the Delhi Capitals and is the President of the Cricket Association of Bengal.
Holding these multiple posts were found to be in violation of the BCCI constitution’s new ‘one person one role’ policy which were adopted as a result of the Lodha panel recommendations. However, Ganguly has now been freed of these allegations.
“In the instant case, having regard to the afore noted stand of Mr. Ganguly, viz (i) that if it is found by the Ethics Officer that his presence in the CAC (Cricket Advisory Committee) has resulted in a “conflict of interest” situation, as envisaged in Rule 38 of the Rules, his Reply in these Complaints may be treated as his resignation there from immediate effect and (ii) that his involvement with the IPL Franchise has come to an end in May 2019, I declare that in the present case the “Conflict of Interest” is tractable,” DK Jain stated in an email to the BCCI as per IANS, reported Sportstar.
The same was done keeping in mind how recently the laws have been introduced and the cricketer’s lack of awareness regarding the same.
“Although it is trite law that the ignorance of the law is no excuse and, Mr. Ganguly was obliged to disclose the requisite information as stipulated in Rule 38(2) of the Rules, but bearing in mind the fact that the Rules have come into existence only after August 2018, I am inclined to give benefit of doubt to Mr. Ganguly that perhaps he may not have realised that his occupying the said three posts did involve “Conflict of Interest,”
However, if Ganguly wants to be a part of any IPL team’s contingent or work with the BCCI in the future, he will have to give up his position as the CAB’s man in charge,
“Accordingly, I direct the BCCI to ensure that Mr. Sourav Ganguly relinquishes his interests, which give rise to “Conflict of Interest” and does not continue to occupy more than one post as enumerated in Rule 38(4) of the Rules at any given point of time,” Jain added.
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