On Thursday, Union minister Kiren Rijiju revealed that India are prepared to send a strong contingent for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. During a Question Hour in Lok Sabha, Rijju added that the athletes have been successful at international level across various events in the last couple of years.
“A good number. We will definitely perform better at Olympics,” Sports Minister Kiren Rijju said as per PTI sources.
The minister added that the task force set up after the disappointing Rio Olympics in 2016 has come out with very effective suggestions. India managed only two medals at the quadrennial showpiece held in Brazil three years ago. Rijiju further stated that the Central government-backed the efforts of the state government concerned for improvements in sports infrastructure.
For a fact, the central government is sponsoring players with Target Olympic Podium Scheme and paying them a substantial amount of money to spend on coaching and to participate in foreign tournaments.
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