A hotel worker from Chennai who helped Sachin Tendulkar with his unsought advice to change his elbow guard has been located after Tendulkar posted a video in twitter about the same. The hotel worker named Guruprasad, identified as part of the security staff of the hotel, told The News Minute that, “close to two decades after this conversation, I did not expect him to even remember me.”
The worker is said to have approached Tendulkar during a Test match in 2001 when he unsolicitedly gave an advice regarding his observations on a difference in bat swing for the master blaster when he batted wearing his elbow-guard. Tendulkar mentioned in the video that the worker’s tip did help him and he corrected the padding of his elbow-guard.
“I don’t think I had spoken about this to anyone in the world. I was the only person who was aware of that. After that, I actually came back to the room from the ground, carried my elbow guard and I re-designed my elbow guard according to the correct size and the amount of padding and I played,” he said in a video posted on Twitter.
“I asked him (Tendulkar) if I can give him a suggestion concerning cricket. I really wasn’t sure if he would listen to someone like me but he readily agreed.” Guruprasad told The News Minute.
Guruprasad came to know about the tweet by Tendulkar from his nephew in France and said that his friends and family were elated with the news.
“They are all thrilled and excited. This has been emotional. I only wish my parents had been alive to see this day. They would have been proud," said Guruprasad.
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