With the IPL still four months away from the action, Rajasthan Royals are not ready to let any momentum slip out as eight players joined the franchise's Head of Cricket Operations Zubin Bharucha for a three-day camp in Talegoan, near Pune. He will be supported by batting coach Amol Mazumdar, spin bowling coach Sairaj Bahutule and UK Academy director Sid Lahiri. The Royals physiotherapist John Gloster is also part of the camp.
“This camp is an opportunity to review the level of development of our players over the last 7 months. We will be reviewing both their technical and physical progress to set clear plans for the build-up to the IPL,” said Bharucha, reported Sportstar.
“Furthermore after the trading window, this will be an extremely beneficial few days to integrate our new players into the Royals family and get a closer look at their outstanding skills.”
Apart from Gopal, Aaron and Vohra, Mahipal Lomror, Shashank Singh, Rahul Tewatia, Riyan Parag and Ankit Rajpoot also joined the camp. The Indian cricketers will simulate match scenarios with the coaches sharing development plans with each player to help them prepare for the season.
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