MA Chidambaram Stadium's I, J and K stands have been locked by the Chennai Corporation for the last six years over a dispute with the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA), which runs part of the ground. The stands, which had been constructed just before the 2011 World Cup, ran into trouble only after the tournament for several certificate issues. However, there were reports that TNCA would get permission to open ticket sales for those three stands which has now again gone into uncertainty.
"There are a lot of governmental procedures and formalities. It is difficult to say when all of this will be completed. It is going to be unlikely to be done in time for the West Indies ODI," the MCC source told TOI on Tuesday.
In contrary, the association is of the belief that their demand for payment of the MA Chidambaram Stadium lease from the government will be granted on Wednesday. A TNCA source said that the payment of Rs 19 crore will be made towards the government within Thursday itself. "We are expecting the demand tomorrow. If there is enough time, we will clear the payment on Wednesday itself. Otherwise, it will be sorted in the early hours of Thursday," the source said.
Reiterating MCC's role in it, the TNCA source said, "As per our knowledge, they are also supposed to get the demand for payment along with us. Now it is up to them when they will clear the dues."
Making things complicated, MCC further said that the lease agreement hasn't yet been drawn up by the revenue department. "The government order has specified the terms and conditions of the lease, but the actual lease has to be drawn up by the revenue department. It has to be done by the collector/commissioner of land administration. Then, the lease agreement is to be signed by the government on one side and the three different parties on the other side: TNCA, MCC and TNCA club. If there are no points that need clarifications, then the lease agreement will be signed. Only then is the lease actually done."
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