A week ahead of the start of their quest to recreate former glory days in India’s most prestigious domestic cricket tournament, Mumbai has decided to name Yadav to take the captain’s hat once again. The 29-year-old, who was in red-hot form during the recently-concluded Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 trophy, was replaced as captain mid-way through the 2014-15 season.
"Going by the new constitution, they (the Milind-Rege led ad-hoc selection committee) invited Surya and appointed him as the captain," a senior MCA official told PTI.
Coming back into the squad after being dropped last year, Yadav will be keen to turn his and his team’s recent fortunes around. Mumbai had a disastrous Ranji campaign last year and was knocked out in the Super League stage in the Mushtaq Ali tournament. Having made his Mumbai debut against Delhi way back in 2010, Yadav has amassed 4,818 runs with 12 hundreds and 24 half-centuries in 72 matches.
Though there has been no official confirmation on MCA's website, it is understood that the ad-hoc committee has also finalised the Mumbai squad for the season.
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