Following allegations of spot-fixing and corrupt practices in Tamil Nadu’s T20 league, the TNCA formed an apex council comprising L Sivaramakrishnan, former Commissioner of Police Nanjil Kumaran, and senior advocate P Raghu Raman to probe the allegations. Although the panel had cleared the league of all wrong-doing due to lack of evidence, Ganguly had suggested that two teams have been asked to step aside for charges of spot-fixing and match-fixing after BCCI discussions. However, a TNCA source later said that Ganguly's remarks had been misinterpreted and that there will be no such action taken.
"Ganguly's comments have been completely misinterpreted. We will issue a clarification tomorrow citing that no such action will be taken against any of our franchises," the source told TOI.
The source added that TNCA will be sharing the probe report with the BCCI’s Anti-Corruption Unit, headed by Ajit Singh Shekhawat.
"We have learnt that Singh is waiting for our report. So we will be sending all our findings to the BCCI ACU chief Ajit Singh soon," the source added.
Meanwhile, Ganguly revealed that players were approached to fix matches during the recently-concluded Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 Trophy.
"Players will keep getting approached. What they do after being approached is what is important. We will try and put the best anti-corruption unit and see if we can make it look stronger," Ganguly concluded.
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