Despite proving his efficiency in IPL, BCCI dropped Ambati Rayudu from the Indian Squad playing against England owing to the Yo-yo test failure. The gesture has further led us to contemplate if fitness was the overpowering skill in the selection procedure for the Indian team. The likes of Sandeep Patil and Amogh Pandit has found it highly inappropriate to drop a player due to a single failure in the fitness test.
After the Yo-yo test was made a compulsory criterion for the national selection following Virat Kohli getting captaincy in all three formats, many experienced players have failed to clear and have consequently been out of the national team. Players like Suresh Raina, Yuvraj Singh, and Washington Sundar were all dropped from the team for failing the test. Recently, Rayudu was dismissed from the team for not reaching the standard 16.1 score in the test followed by Sanju Samson who has been removed from the India A team.
In the debate arising from the logic of dismissing players at the drop of a hat for failing the test, coach and chief selector Sandeep Patil has been of the opinion that a more lenient approach should be taken towards the player failing the test. They should be given a second chance to prove themselves.
“Like in Test Cricket, where a player is given two innings to prove himself, even in the case of Yo-yo tests, he should be given two chances. If a player isn't able to clear the test, give him another crack at it a few hours later or next day. There could be many reasons why Ambati Rayudu failed the Yo-yo test that day. A player may not be mentally there. You're talking about the career of a player. He has performed well for the whole year in the domestic Cricket, and in half an hour, you'll decide whether he'd go on tour or not. You don't drop players like this,” Patil mentioned this to TOI.
Amogh Pandit, who had served as a trainer for 14 years with the Mumbai team and now the head of the department of the MCA’s strength, conditioning and nutrition department for the last four years, has also considered the selection on basis of one fitness test to be impulsive.
“If a sport requires multiple fitness components, how can you chuck someone out on the basis of just one fitness component. There's no guarantee that one can't pick up an injury after clearing a Yo-yo test. You need to count mobility, flexibility, strength and power too. Secondly, a fast bowler requires explosiveness, power. A spinner needs endurance. It's not fair to drop a pacer because of this factor. I need to see various components like power, strength to judge his fitness. You can't judge a person's fitness on just this test. It's like a batsman keeps practicing a cover drive, but doesn't know how to play a sweep shot,” Pandit said.
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