Bhupender Singh Bajwa, one of the members of the ad hoc panel presided over a meeting in this regard. In a press release issued by the WFI's ad-hoc panel and signed by Bajwa, it was stated that "a directive regarding the rules, regulations, and programme for conducting the selection trials for selecting the Indian U23 and U17 wrestling teams for participation in the 2023 U23 and U17 Asian Wrestling Championships have been finalised and circulated to all state wrestling associations."
The selection panel for freestyle wrestlers is made up of Ramesh Kumar Gulia, Jagmander Singh, and Bajwa. While former shooter Suma Shirur, who falls under the sportsperson of high distinction category, Mahasingh Rao, Alka Tomar, and Neha Rathi will be selecting the women's and greco-roman teams, respectively.
From June 10 to 18, Bishkek will host the Asian Championships for wrestlers under the age of 17 and under the age of 23. In addition to managing the WFI's daily operations, the panel has been tasked with conducting the WFI's election to the new executive committee within 45 days of its inception.
The group was established after the April 27 IOA executive committee meeting. Trials would be held in the Indira Gandhi Stadium from May 17–19, under the ad hoc panel's decision.
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