Earlier in the month, Sports Minister Anurag Thakur told the protesting wrestlers that neither Brij Bhushan Singh nor his family members would be permitted to run in the next elections. Interestingly, the Uttar Pradesh Wrestling Association is led by Singh's son Karan Bhushan, while the Bihar unit is led by his son-in-law Aditya Pratap Singh.
"They had a discussion and have decided that neither his son Karan nor his son-in-law Aditya will file nominations for WFI elections," a source close to the Singh family said. "In the current circumstances, it is not advisable to do something that further fuels the controversy," said the source.
However, Karan and Aditya will both take part in the elections and use their voting privileges.
Apart from that, the protesting wrestlers would be consulted before establishing the new executive body, according to Thakur. Om Prakash Dhankar, the head of the BJP in Haryana, and NR Choudhary, a former secretary of the Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB), have both shown interest in running for office, although they are unlikely to do so.
Both Dhankar and Choudhary do not currently have a seat on the executive committee of a state unit, which is a need for eligibility to run in elections.
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