As per the letter signed by Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia, Ravi Dahiya, Sakshi Malik, and Deepak Punia, WFI president mentally harassed Vinesh, after she failed to win an Olympic medal. “Vinesh Phogat was mentally harassed and tortured by the WFI President after she missed out on an Olympic medal in Tokyo. She almost contemplated suicide."
The letter also claimed, that the coaches and sports science staff assigned to the national camp by the WFI president were "absolutely incompetent and not on merit. “They are just his informants and they create a very bad atmosphere in the national camp," the letter added.
On the other hand, WFI chairman Brij Bhushan Singh refuted all the allegations put on him. He claimed that he would expose the 'political conspiracy'. All this had begun when a handful of top wrestlers had alleged sexual abuse by the WFI president.
— Vinesh Phogat (@Phogat_Vinesh)
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