While the wrestlers had already assembled at the Sports Authority of India (SAI) center in Lucknow, the news came as shock last Friday when India’s top wrestler Vinesh Phogat had tested positive for Covid-19. Even though she was asymptomatic, the future of the camp suffered a setback. But, according to the latest report, the Asian Games Gold medallist has tested negative for the virus twice on Tuesday but will remain in isolation for the time being as a precautionary measure.
"I underwent a second COVID-19 test yesterday (Tuesday) and am happy to report that I have received a negative result. While this is great news, I will be remaining in isolation as a precautionary measure a big thank you to everyone for your prayers,” read Vinesh Phogat’s Tweet.
Phogat is the only Indian woman wrestler to qualify for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics so far. While her personal trainer Woller Akos is still in Belgium owing to travel restrictions, the 26-year-old was under the supervision of Om Prakash Dahiya, who recently received the Dronacharya Award. Reports suggest that Dahiya has already tested positive for Covid-19 and Vinesh might have got infected during training.
The national women’s wrestling camp which was supposed to start on September 1 has been postponed due to the spike in Covid-19 cases in Lucknow, while the men’s camp has already started in Sonepat, last Tuesday.
I underwent a second COVID-19 test yesterday and am happy to report that I have received a negative result. While this is great news, I will be remaining in isolation as a precautionary measure. A big thank you to everyone for your prayers 😊🙏
— Vinesh Phogat (@Phogat_Vinesh)
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