The second edition of TPL would be offering a decent prize of Rs. 60 lakh this time, and has been scheduled to be held at the Celebration Sports Club in Andheri, Mumbai, at the end of this year. And apart from the leading players in the tournament would be featuring under-18 girls and under-14 boys, apart from the wheelchair participants.
The junior participant for the tournament would be selected through talent hunt across four cities of India – namely Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Delhi. The selection of the colts would be held on October 20, 23, and on November 3 and 10. The registration for the talent hunt has already been started from Monday, August 5, and would remain open till October 5.
"Hope this league helps bring a steady platform to tennis and promote the sport in our country’’, said tennis ace Leander Paes, who has been associated with the tournament since last season, reported Spprtstar.
"The response from the first edition was overwhelming and we got tremendous support and encouragement from the Bollywood and sports fraternity’’, said Kunal Thakkur, the founder of the event.
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