Hingis announced on Thursday that she was deciding to retire from the game for the third time in her career. In her tennis journey, she registered 25 grand slam wins – five in singles, 20 in doubles. The 37-year-old applauded Indian tennis player Saina and Paes, whom she had partnered in her third innings of the sport. She won seven major titles with Sania and Paes in the doubles and mixed-doubles categories.
"I will forever be grateful to have had these partnerships. Without Sania, I wouldn't have come back and had that feeling again. When we won Wimbledon, it was pure joy. And getting back to No. 1was one of the things. I couldn't have done it alone. The times as 'SanTina' were incredible," she said as quoted by TOI.
"So were the ones with Leander, winning four Slams more. I couldn't have done it without them. Adding 10 more Slams to my career in the third journey was pretty cool. Every single partner I had on the way has been amazing," she added.
In her last match, she faced a loss along with Chan Yung-jan by 6-4, 7-6(5) against Timea Babos and Andrea Hlavackova in the women’s doubles semi-finals.
In a 23 year long career, Hingis turned pro at just 14 and she not only added 25 Grand Slam titles to her account but also held the No 1 rank for 2019 weeks.
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