In the ceremony hosted by American actor Bill Murray, Djokovic fought off competition in the form of Argentine footballer Lionel Messi, Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt and Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton to clinch his third win. The Serb had previously lofted the trophy in 2012 and 2015.
Serena Williams, who last year crossed the 20 Grand Slam mark, has dominated women’s tennis like never before. Her challengers were footballer Carli Brown and sprinter Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce. Serena had won the Sportswoman of the year back in 2003 and 2010.
The award ceremony also commemorated Johan Cruyff, the Dutch football legend who passed away last month after losing out to cancer, with a spirit of sport award. The award was accepted by his son Jordi Cruyff.
22-year old golfer Jordan Spieth collected the “Breakthrough of the year award” after 2 major wins in 2015. The NewZealand rugby team were awarded the team of the year award after their World Cup win.
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