The declaration to back Anil Khanna was announced after an Executive Committee meeting of the body on Thursday. “We are going to write to the ministry about our stand. If they still want us to remove the president, we will move court,” AITA secretary general Bharat Oza was quoted as saying by the New Indian Express.
Khanna, who has been President of the sports body for three terms, was asked to step down after the Sports ministry realized, albeit a bit late, that the number of terms for secretaries is capped at two. Following the direction, Khanna had, last month, proposed to step down in his communication to the Sports Ministry.
However, the AITA has countered the argument by stating that they are following the Sports Code and that they will reiterate their stated position to the Ministry. “We have explained our position very elaborately. We will write another letter, touching on the key points, perhaps in legal jargon,” Oza told The Hindu..
According to Zee News website, another member of the Committee had complained about the Government’s interference in selection matters."How can they issue directions to choose partners for Olympic Games. They are forgetting that we have a selection committee and can't dictate on these matters," the unnamed member told Zee News.
The Judo Federation of India is also under the scanner of the Ministry for a similar violation.
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