Former Indian off-spinner Harbhajan Singh asked Yuzvendra Chahal why he transferred him Rs 4 on his Paytm account on Saturday. The hilarious incident took place on Twitter where Harbhajan Singh asked about the same. In the tweet, Harbhajan wrote, '4 rupya Paytm kyun kiya @yuzi_chahal'. Fans on Twitter had lots to say after the tweet was shared by Harbhajan Singh.
Harbhajan Singh and Yuzvendra Chahal were involved in this banter as they were promoting a Paytm scheme on Twitter.AAAA
Chahal after winning ₹100 cashback
— Kisslay Jha🇮🇳 (@TrollerBabua)
4 rupya Paytm kyun kiya 🤔
— Harbhajan Turbanator (@harbhajan_singh)
India are currently playing the Windies in the first ODI of the limited overs tour. Chahal has been exceptional in the first ODI picking up three wickets in his first six overs at the cost of just 27 runs. At the time of writing this article, India had managed to restrict the visitors to just 121/7 at the end of 31 overs of the first ODI in Ahmedabad.
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