MS Dhoni announced his decision to step down from CSK captaincy just days before the IPL 2022. Ravindra Jadeja, the Chennai Super Kings all-rounder was named his successor to lead the franchise. The all-rounder is captaining in IPL for the first time and his having a really hard time as the defending champions have lost all 4 games that they have played this year. After the loss against SRH, former India head coach Ravi Shastri said that the CSK management made a mistake by letting Faf du Plessis go.
Ravi Shastri feels that if MS Dhoni wanted to step down from captaincy then Faf du Plessis should have been the man to get the job.
"I believe, a player like Jadeja should focus on his cricket. If Chennai thinks about it again, they should have not let Faf du Plessis go because he is a match-winner and played a lot. If Dhoni didn't want to captain the side, then Faf should have become the captain and Jadeja should have played as a player. Because he (Jadeja) can then play freely, no pressure of captaincy," Ravi Shastri said on ESPNcricinfo show 'T20 Time Out'.
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