Delhi, started on the front foot, with their raider Naveen Kumar looking unstoppable. The 19-year-old raider picked points at will, pulling out the acrobatic moves in the process, as the Delhi side inflicting an All-Out on Pune in the 7th minute of the match. Pune were missing the services of their raider Pankaj Mohite who missed out due to a fever.
Their raiders struggled as Ravinder Pahal and Joginder Narwal, the corners for Delhi, also got into the game with successful tackles. Naveen Kumar kept adding to his points tally and the Delhi side secured their second All-Out with 7 minutes remaining to half time to open up a 14-point lead. Manjeet was once again the only positive player on the mat for Pune and his valiant efforts in the raids allowed the side to cling on to the hope of coming back into the match. The first half ended 30-16 with Delhi on top.
The second half turned out to be much of the same with Delhi dominating in all departments. Chandran Ranjit secured his Super 10 as the Delhi clinched another All-Out in the 11th minute of the second half to all but seal the match. Balasaheb Jadhav got a High 5 for Pune but it eventually led to another All-Out with slightly more than five minutes still remaining in the match. Ravinder Pahal clinched his High 5 for the team from Delhi as their raiders helped them secure the biggest points tally in VIVO Pro Kabaddi season seven.
Pune’s loss meant their hopes of a playoff berth ended while Delhi ensured they will remain in the top two of the league irrespective of whatever happens in the remaining matches. Puneri Paltan to take on Telugu Titans in their match in Panchkula on 3rd October 2019.
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