Although Tamil Thalaivas lost the game against Telugu Titans by 30-35 on Monday in Bengaluru during the ongoing PKL, one player stole all the limelight and he is none other than the young Tamil Nadu raider V Ajith Kumar. As Ajay Thakur was not well since last night, he had to sit out and Ajith was drafted into the first seven. A find from the Khelo India School Games, Ajith scored 14 points from 17 raids and was the best in the evening. The debutant in this season for Tamil Thalaivas has mentioned that he would love to find a place in the starting seven and keep contributing for the team.
“If I get a chance to play full time like today, I will perform to my potential and make my team win. I am really happy to have played the full 40 minutes for the first time,” Ajith said during the post-match press conference.
Speaking about Ajith’s show, coach E Bhaskaran said, “We saw Ajith in a Khelo India match and before that we had seen him in one or two tournaments which happen in Tamil Nadu and so Tamil Thalaivas group goes to scout talent and that is where we got him from. We even got Sagar from there and he was playing in the starting seven as well but he got nervous because this is a big platform so we had to send Mohit (Chhillar) in again.”
This is the second consecutive loss for the Thalaivas as they were also defeated by the home team Bengaluru Bulls last evening. Thakur was not playing this game and other seniors in the side like Manjeet Chhillar, Rahul Chaudhari, Mohit Chhillar and Ran Singh failed to put a good show which resulted in their defeat against Telugu Titans.
“It was a close match and as usual we made one mistake in the last five minutes and it was Ran Singh this time if not for the match was close but from there, we started losing points. Like always we did well but in the end we couldn’t finish it because of a mistake,” explained Bhaskaran.
“The only problem we are facing is that when we should have won at a particular moment, someone or the other makes mistakes whether it be in advanced tackles or otherwise. I have told them before as well that you can’t attempt an advance tackle against a raider like Siddharth Desai so you have to cut down on that and that we increase our chances of making tackling and making him sit outside. Siddhant didn’t trouble us much but the leakage of points from our side changed the game.”
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