The first half of the match started off with a point for Abhishek Singh from U Mumba by a touch on Mayur Shivartak. Surinder Singh dashed Mohammad Nabibakhsh with a brilliant dash, scoring another point for U Mumba. K Prapanjan eyed a precise hand touch and executed it upon Surinder Singh. Abhishek Singh’s second raid point of the night was scored with a hand touch on Jeeva Kumar of the Bengal Warriors. A struggled tackle by Sandeep Narwal towards Mohammad Nabibabkhsh resulted in a point for both the teams. The 12th minute saw Abhishek Singh scoring his 5th raid point of the night as he escaped Baldev Singh’s block. Mohammad Nabibakhsh got Surinder Singh after many attempts with a hand touch.
Successful Do-or-die raid for U Mumba by Abhishek Singh! Young Chang Ko inflicted a strong dash, as K Prpanjan of Bengal Warriors got out! Tough luck for U Mumba as 3 players got out one by one. The first half of the match ended with empty raids from both the teams with a score of 18-12, with U Mumba trailing behind by 6 points.
The second half of the match started off with a point for the Bengal Warriors as K Prapanjan got the better of Young Chang ko. A successful Do-or-Die raid for U Mumba by Ajinkya Kapare as he got Rinku Narwal with a toe-touch. Captain Fazel Atrachali saved a Do-or-Die raid for the Bengal Warriors as he blocked K Prapanjan. An easy point was scored by Abhishek Singh as he got a strong ankle hold on Mohammad Nabibakhsh. Arjun Deshwal got back at Jeeva Kumar with a hand touch. A 2nd All Out of the match was inflicted on U Mumba by Bengal Warriors.
Sandeep Narwal was seen blocking K Prapanjan very strategically. U Mumba dodged a double entry from Bengal Warriors as Surinder Singh was seen taking out Mohammad Nabibakhsh with a block. A review by Bengal Warriors resulted in 1 point each for both the teams. A 4 pointer Super Raid was seen by Ajinkya Kapre in the crucial moments of the match! The 37th minute saw Abhishek Singh scoring his 10th Super 10 of the season. A perfect team defense was seen by U Mumba as they caught up to Bengal Warriors with just 2 points in deficit! Unsuccessful raid for Bengal Warriors as U Mumba team leveled up the scores! Abhishek Singh tried for a bonus point but Sukesh Hegde blocked him.
Bengal Warriors won the match with a final score of 37-35 with a u Mumba trailing behind by 2 points. Abhishek Singh was declared the raider of the match.
U Mumba captain, Fazel Atrachali said, “I feel very disheartened to have lost after coming till the Semi Final 2. The defense was the part that let us down today, all the boys put in good effort, but we lost! It was a great season for us and we are looking forward to keep playing better each season and we aspire to come back stronger!”
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