Bengal Warriors have already made it to the semi-finals along with Dabang Delhi KC. With players like Maninder Singh and K Prapanjan getting injured in their last few games, the Kolkata-based franchise went into the last night’s game without many of their players from the regular playing 7. Baldev Singh was the only top player on the mat last evening and Bengal conceded 69 points in the entire game last evening without the services of players like Maninder Singh, Mohammad Nabibakhsh, and K Prapanjan in raiding and Jeeva Kumar and Rinku Narwal in the defence.
“Our team is going to play in the semi-final as it is. It was important for us to test our bench players. We have selected and practised with this group of players over the past months and we owed it to them to give them some game time,” Ramesh told reporters after the loss.
Pardeep Narwal was the star for the Pirates yet again in the season as he collected 36 points in total which includes two points for the super tackle. His performance also included a six-point raid in the second half of the match as Patna ended their campaign in PKL 7 on a great note. Ramesh also hailed Pardeep’s performance and said that no one can take the credit away from the ‘Dubki King’.
“We have to play knockout matches after this, so we are resting our main players before that. That is why we took this decision. However, that takes no credit away from Pardeep Narwal who displayed tremendous skill. We played alright till the final quarter but lost our way a bit after that,” the Bengal coach expressed.
“We did give away too many points, but we didn’t want to risk injuries to our key players before the knockout matches. That would be counter-productive to the team’s cause.”
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