After losing five matches and drawing one, Telugu Titans finally managed to win a game in the ongoing season of the Pro Kabaddi League. They managed to beat Gujarat Fortunegiants 30-24 in yesterday’s match but are still at the bottom of the points table with 10 points from seven games. Telugu coach Gholamreza Mazandarani is now all focussed for their game against Bengal Warriors which will be played today.
“I feel things are now working for the team. However, this is only one victory. We played well today because Gujarat Fortunegiants are a tough side to beat. I want to now focus on the next match against Bengal Warriors. But we have found a good stride and I am looking forward to the coming matches,” Gholamreza Mazandarani told reporters after Sunday’s game.
With 15 more matches to go in the league phase of the tournament, the coach said that they are going to play all their remaining matches of the league as the final. He also stated that the team will not give up till the end.
“I think this was a good victory for us. We are going to play every match as the final now. We will need to win consistently from now on but we will try. We won’t give up till the end,” the Titans coach signed off.
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