Dabang Delhi, after winning three back to back games, lost their first one of the seventh season against Gujarat on Thursday. They had inflicted an all-out first on Sunil Kumar and co. but still couldn’t manage to perform well in the second half and fails to continue their unbeaten run in the tournament. Skipper Joginder Narwal, however, is still proud of the team but said that both the departments should take equal responsibility for the defeat against Gujarat.
“Both defence and offence need to take equal responsibility for today’s loss. I am still proud of how we played though,” Joginder was quoted as saying by the PKL official website.
After some amazing performance by GB More and Rohit Gulia, the Gujarat team managed to put pressure on Delhi in the last few minutes of the match and eventually took the game with a few minutes to go for the full-time as well. Joginder also mentioned the same saying that the Fortunegiants managed to win in the last minutes.
“We lost for the first time today after three successive wins. They won the game in the last few minutes of the contest, but I’m still happy with the way my teammates played,” the skipper explained.
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