Manpreet Singh-led Gujarat Fortunegiants jumped to the top of the table of the Zone A rankings after they managed to defeat Haryana Steelers by a scoreline of 40-31 in their final home game at The Arena by TransStadia on Thursday. After losing to Haryana on four previous occasions, the home team finally managed to overcome that hurdle and register their first win against the Steelers.
"It’s a fantastic feeling. We couldn’t get a win over them in the first four games we played but today everyone performed brilliantly.
"I can’t tell you what our strategies are, but I can assure you we will continue to play as we have been playing. Gujarat Fortunegiants play a different brand of kabaddi that has made us very successful and we would like to continue playing that way. Our fans enjoy our brand of kabaddi which is of utmost importance to us, so we aren’t going to change that. You have to play according to the opposition. You cannot keep on playing in the same manner always," Singh said in a post-match conference.
Much of last night’s win was due to the intense defensive tactics applied by the home team and Singh singled out his defensive unit for praise as he lauded them for their consistency over the course of the ongoing season.
"Our defence has been getting us points in almost every game. They have shown they are very versatile and can play positions other than their specialized ones as well. They have been giving their 100 per cent in each match and I am very proud of that fact. I hope they stay fit for long because they are about to be the stars of the future. Each of them has a different skill and they are all gifted players," Singh added.
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