The fans at the Patliputra Stadium in Patna were in for a thriller on Wednesday night even as the home team lost the match 43-41. The match was decided in the last raid of the match with Bengaluru Bulls coming on the top against he hosts Patna Pirates. At the post match conference, coach Randhir Singh, captain Rohit Kumar, and raider Pawan Kumar Sehrawat represented Bengaluru Bulls whereas Patna Pirates were represented by captain Pardeep Narwal and coach Ram Mehar Singh.
“The defence can play better. If you assess our wins so far, our offence has carried us to victory. Our defence can do much better and we’ll ensure we work on that before the next match. I felt we were in control of the match right till the end. But that technical point and yellow card on Rohit Kumar resulted in an easy bonus with just five men on the mat, and made life really tough for us at that point. But we are glad we executed our final two plays to perfection” Bengaluru Bulls coach Randhir Singh said at the post-match conference.
The disappointing run for the Patna Pirates’ lead raider Pardeep Narwal does not seem to end as he yet again failed to impress getting his team only three points. Opposition captain Rohit Kumar said that though a good raider, everyone knows everyone’s game.
“Everyone knows his game and he’s fantastic. Everyone knows my game as well so it’s not really a big edge. Some days you win close games and some days you lose. We’re glad to come out on top today” Bengaluru Bulls captain Rohit Kumar said.
On the other hand, Patna Pirates’ coach Ram Mehar Singh did the talking for his team. He was disappointed for losing a five point raid which he felt cost his team the match.
“The five-point raid that we gave up where we could have earned a Super Tackle was where it really went wrong. We fell behind on the scoreboard and were always chasing the game. We did well to take it to the last raid” Ram Mehar Singh said.
With Pardeep Narwal not coming good young Manjeet Singh has stepped up and picked a Super 10 in the match and drew praise from his coach. Patna’s coach also had some praise for opposition youngster Pawan Kumar Sehrawat who bagged a total of 15 points in the match.
“I’m very pleased with his contribution. He’s a young kid, playing in his first season and has been outstanding so far. His performances really fill me with pride. It is always good to see new talent do well, and it has been really pleasing to see Pawan do well. It’s great for the nation and great for the fans as well”, Singh said.
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