2016 Kabaddi World Cup winning captain Anup Kumar announced his retirement via a video on the official Twitter handle of the Jaipur Pink Panthers. Anup had made his debut in the year 2006 at the South Asian Games held in Sri Lanka. Apart from winning the 2016 Kabaddi World Cup, Kumar was also the part of the Indian teams which won the Asian Games Gold in 2010 at Guangzhou and again in 2014 at Incheon.
“I, Anup Kumar announce my retirement from the Pro Kabaddi. I would like to thank Ronnie sir, Abhishek sir, and all the stakeholders who actively promoted the sport and pushed it to the heights of glory and also helped us get the recognition and love from the fans. I will also extremely miss the audience chanting my name from the stands,” Anup said in a video released on Twitter.
An inspiration to a whole generation of Kabaddi Fans coming of age, Anup was awarded the Arjuna Award in the year 2012 by the Government of India for his contribution to the sport of Kabaddi. Also known as “Captain Cool”, Kumar had led the U Mumba franchise to their first Pro Kabaddi League title in the second season of the tournament after losing the final a year ago.
“I realized that it is the right time to let the younger generation take over. I promise my fans that I will never leave this game and will do something for the game of Kabaddi which will take this sport closer to the audience.
Kumar was also part of the Indian team which won the Gold medal at the 2016 South Asian Games held in Guwahati & Shillong. The Bonus Ka Badshah also advised his fans to keep following and encouraging the sport of kabaddi.
“Today December 19 is my son’s birthday, hence I chose to announce my retirement on this day. I thank my family for their support and standing with me throughout my journey. And helped me make my country proud. I also thank my fans who showered their love on me and because of whom I managed to play this long and grow in my career.”
“I also want to say to my fans that don’t limit the game to one player like Anup or someone else rather support Kabaddi and push the sport to its highest potential. Jai Hind. Jai Bharat,” he concluded.
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