Manjeet also created a similar storm at the beginning, as Jaipur Pink Panthers bought him for a whopping Rs.75.50 lacs. Sandeep Narwal, the first player to be auctioned in the night, got the award of his fantastic showing in the Kabaddi World Cup and was bought for a stunning Rs. 66 lakh by the Puneri Paltans. Meanwhile, the newly formed Haryana Steelers acquired the services of Mohit Chillar for Rs. 46.5 lacs and also bought their local boy Surrender Nada.
Shattering all records! Nitin Tomar, with Team UP's bid of 9⃣3⃣lacs, is now 's most expensive player EVER!
— ProKabaddi (@ProKabaddi)
Iranian defender Fazel Atrachali, who has been one of the best defenders in the past two seasons of the the PKL, was picked up by the Gujarat franchise as their priority buy. Tamil Nadu, on the other hand, bought Amit Hooda for 63 lakhs and also got star Indian raider Ajay Thakur as their priority pick.
The other new team, Uttar Pradesh acquired Rajesh Narwal for a whopping Rs. 69 lacs. The Gujarat Franchise snapped up Sukesh Hegde for Rs.31.5 lacs. Korean star Jang Kun Lee’s base price was Rs.35 lac when retained by the Bengal Warriors, however, the Bengal franchise made an expensive signing which led to a 10% increment in Lee’s price and the Korean’s new price was set at Rs.80.30 lakh, as per dynamic pricing.
Here is the list of the Priority picks for each team:
Haryana - Surender Nada
Gujarat - Fazel Atrachali
Tamil Nadu - Ajay Thakur
UP - None
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