Game developers EA Sports have collaborated with the Indian Super League to include the top-tier competition in the next edition of the popular game – FIFA. All 11 teams, along with their official kits and other marks, will be a part of the FIFA 22, which already has more than 700 teams from over 30 leagues across the world.
Into the eighth season of the league, the Indian Super League was earlier accessible on FIFA mobile, in 2019, but, for the first time, the tournament will be available on PlayStation and Xbox consoles, as well as personal computers. Some of the other major leagues available on the FIFA are UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, English Premier League, Bundesliga, La Liga, and Serie A and Ligue 1.
The organisers of the ISL are making an attempt to increase fan engagement through this move and cater to the fast-growing Esports community in India. In fact, Esports will now be a part of the 2022 Asian Games, in Guangzhou, marking its entry into traditional sports.
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