It was an alarming sign for Bengaluru FC, with them losing three consecutive games for the first time in their history and axe fell on their head coach Carles Cuadrat. The Blues’ long-standing association with Naushad Moosa meant the former Air India manager was appointed as the interim head coach for the remainder of the season. The former Indian international will be up against SC East Bengal in his first assignment as the manager of Bengaluru FC and has promised that the team would play an entertaining brand of football.
“East Bengal are a decent side. They are getting better. Bright (Enobakhare) is a talented player. We will be playing more entertaining football. We can assure you that. We have to remain compact when we lose the ball. We have had fewer clean sheets. The focus is not to concede early goals,” said Naushad Moosa, ahead of their game against SC East Bengal.
Bengaluru FC is by far the most successful Indian club in the past seven years, having won every trophy in the same. Moosa feels that the work done by erstwhile coaches like Albert Roca and Carles Cudrat were amazing and there’s nothing more he could right now - apart from playing the way they have been doing all this time.
“The work that Carles and (Albert) Roca have done is amazing. There is nothing more I have to do. We do not have enough time. We play two games in quick succession. For now, it is just simple. Play the way we have been playing. Concentrate on having the ball and try to play more attacking football,” added the manager.
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