Gourmangi Singh’s career took off after he graduated from the Tata Football Academy, having played for top Indian clubs like Mahindra United (now defunct), Churchill Brothers, Sporting Clube de Goa, Chennaiyin FC, and FC Pune City. The centre-back has won almost every tournament in the domestic circuit before he called it a day following the 2017-18 I-League, having played his last season for NEROCA FC.
The Manipuri was once India’s best defender, having led the Blue Tigers to several International trophies including two Nehru cups, an AFC Challenge Cup and two SAFF Cups. The retired footballer recalled how during his stay with the national side, he used to follow players like Sunil Chhetri and Subrata Paul and claimed they are perfect role models for India's future generation.
"I look up to both of them. Both of them are workaholics. I just don't know where they get all that energy from. They're both absolute beasts while training - there's absolutely no excuses to go easy on training with these guys," said Gournamngi Singh, in a live chat with AIFF TV.
"I was not the most talented, or the strongest, or the fastest. I needed a way to survive, and I decided to follow these guys in training. Right from how they take care of themselves, to how humble and calm they are, they truly are role models for the next generation. I hope both of them go on to play another five years," added the former AIFF Player of the Year.
Gourmangi Singh was once one of the top-paid Indian footballers, having made 1 crore during the 2012-2013 I-League season, playing for Churchill Brothers. Having hung up his boots, the ex-footballer is now the head coach of the second division side Bengaluru United.
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