With no clarity on when football might resume in India, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) has decided to push back the transfer window from its normal schedule of June 9 – August 31. But, the length of the window would remain unchanged giving the teams ample time to make significant changes to their roster.
There is no update regarding the revised schedule of the transfer window from the apex body as of now. The dates would be fixed only when the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) or the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare give a green signal for allowing live sports in India.
“Accordingly, Fifa will be flexible and will allow the relevant transfer windows to be moved so they fall between the end of the old season and the start of the new season,” read a statement from the AIFF, as reported by Goal.com.
On the other hand, the European countries are yet to re-start their respective football leagues following the lockdown. But, as per the recent developments, the leagues might start in June and conclude by July-end. So, if Indian clubs are planning to rope in players from European leagues, they might face multiple roadblocks if the old schedule is followed.
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