The All India Football Federation (AIFF) in a great initiative, has launched the first-of-its-kind sports management programme on Thursday, becoming the only National Sports Federation (NSF) to do so. As per AIFF President Praful Patel, the country does not have good football administrators, even though many are passionate about the game, with the Masters Programme aiming to bridge the gap. The official welcomed the first batch of the course on Thursday evening via an online meeting.
"This is a unique programme by the All India Football Federation. I'm really happy that the first batch is kick-starting in 2020. I know a lot of people are passionate about Football. But we don't have more talented football administrators in our country. A new breed of football professionals is required, and hence, we took it upon ourselves to start this Masters Programme,” said Praful Patel.
“We intend to build a very robust system on the basis of which all of you will get a very sound future. There will be a lot of opportunities in India and beyond India. With comprehensive learning, you will be going through, the Masters Course will bring you on par with the best in the world,” added the official.
Praful Patel also stressed on the fact to build a robust system on the basis of which the candidates would have a bright future. On the other hand, the opportunities won’t be confined to domestic boundaries as promised by the official. Enrique Perez, corporate and business director of Spanish club Cadiz FC, was also a part of the online meeting.
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